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Hall of Fame

  Brazil 256.3 
  Iceland 241.9 
  Russia 131.5 
  Ukraine 51.4 
  Germany 45.8 

  dt 324.4 
  Fox 66.5 
  RS 61.7 
  che 55.4 
  UIS 47.0 

  tita 250.2 
  paave 212.3 
  MonkeyMoon 64.4 
  Krivoy 46.3 
  ApioMan 46.0 
  Xrayez 40.2 
  Mega-Adnan 29.6 
  Zalo 27.2 
  X-GadZ 25.0 
  Quai 24.5 

Bazooka and Grenade Tournament

26th August 2016, 12:00     #PartyTime
Hosted by: MonkeyMoon
Download WSC Scheme Info





• 1 worm per player
• Games are best of 1

- Sitters are not allowed. (Sitters are grenades that sit for 1/4 second or longer). The penalty for a sitter is a Grenade or Bazooka to and from yourself in an attempt to cause the same damage you previously inflicted.

- Straight Bazooka shots to your opponent are not allowed. Shots must be influenced by the wind. The penalty for a straight bazooka shot is a Grenade or Bazooka to and from yourself in an attempt to cause the same damage you previously inflicted.

- 5 second Grenades are not allowed. 5 Second Grenades are only permitted in combination with Low Gravity and/or Maximum Bounce. The penalty for a 5 second Grenade is a Grenade or Bazooka to and from yourself in an attempt to cause the same damage you previously inflicted.

- 1 Second Grenades are not allowed. The penalty for a 1 second Grenade is a Grenade or Bazooka to and from yourself in an attempt to cause the same damage you previously inflicted.

- Your aim must be readjusted before every shot. Crosshair must adjust over 45 degrees from its original position before the next shot can be made. The penalty for not readjusting your aim is a Grenade or Bazooka to and from yourself in an attempt to cause the same damage you previously inflicted.

- Girders may be used for bouncing purposes only. Destroy the girder before continuing if placed incorrectly.

- Darksiding is not allowed. A darkside is considered a place where you can't hit OR be hit with a nade. Simply teleport/move to another position.

- No dead teleports (Having low health and teleporting above your opponent to kill them with the grave damage from your own worm). Instant lose by default.

- BnG map must have default width size (1920 pix), not more and not less.

- Piling is not allowed. The distance between yours and opponents worms must not be less than 1/2 (half) of a map width

Tournament Results [show maps]

Medal points multiplier for the new system: x 0.4 (8 players)


Round 1 Round 2 Bronze Match Final Round









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