Players: 147
Tournaments: 86
Games Played: 894
Total Appearances: 959
Times are displayed as GMT.
Current date and time: 2025-01-06 23:42
Rumble and Ramble Tournament
Delay: |
• 3 worms per player
• Games are best of 1
RnR - hybrid of Hysteria, BnG, Roper and Elite. You have 6 seconds per turn, retreat from land is 3 seconds, retreat from rope is 6 seconds as well. No jetpack (compared to Aerial or Hysteria), but you have Rope! And your BnG skills of course.
Play on open random generated maps, preferably semi-complex/complex ones, without bridges, slighlty edited maps are allowed in order to open up closed parts of the map, mapGEN island maps are fine as long as they're not greater than 3000px in width and 800px in height.
Health and weapon crates may occure:
Health crates: 2,5%;
Weapon crates: 2.5%;
Rope knocking is allowed;
Blocking is allowed;
Skipwalking is not allowed - violator must skip his next turn;
Everything else is allowed.
For more information about the scheme, check the scheme's page on TUS: RnR.
For gameplay, look at some cup games.
Medal points multiplier for the new system: x 0.4 (8 players)